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Statutory Information

From September 2012 regulations no longer require schools to publish a paper prospectus. Instead, schools will be required to publish key information online.
The following pieces of information are what we are required to provide. Please click on the links for further information.

  1. The name, postal address and telephone number of the school, and the name of a person to whom enquiries should be addressed. 
  2. School Opening Hours.
  3. Admissions arrangements. 
  4. OFSTED reports. 
  5. Exam and Assessment results - As a Lower School this information does not apply.
  6. Performance Tables, published by the DFE.
  7. Details of our curriculum, including phonics and reading schemes.   
    Further information can be found in the termly newsletters available on individual class pages.
  8. Remote Education.
  9. Behaviour Policy.
  10. Pupil Premium.
  11. Coronavirus catch-up premium.
  12. PE and Sport Premium Funding.
  13. Equality Objectives.
  14. Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
  15. Careers Programme Information - As a Lower School this information does not apply.
  16. Complaints Policy.
  17. Annual Reports and Accounts.
  18. Executive Pay
  19. Trustees’ information and duties.
  20. Charging and Remissions Policies.
  21. Values and Ethos.
  22. Safeguarding Children.
  23. Statutory and other Key School Policies.
  24. Music Development Plan
  25. Should you require paper copies of the documents on this website, please contact our school office.

If you require any further guidance on any part of this information we would be happy to help you.